Thursday, October 25, 2018

Field Trip to St. Mary's City!
We learned about Maryland's first capital city and colonial settlement. We saw a colonial tobacco plantation, colonial homes, a printing press, and ordinary, and the famous "Ghost Houses"!
We also saw a re-created Yocomico India village and learned about the survival techniques of the Native Americans. We also saw a re-created Catholic chapel from Father Andrew White!
The Colonial Tobacco Plantation!

Who will be the indentured servant? 

We learned how the canoe was burned out by the Native Americans to make it hallow!

The Yocomico Indian shelters. 

The Corn watch hut!

Native American winter clothing deer skin- very soft!

The Catholic Church built by Father Andrew White.

Coffins belonging to the Calvert family- the founders of the colony. 

Using a simple machine- a pulley on a ship made lifting heavy cargo easy!

We measure the ships speed in knots during the 1600's. 

Comparing the Ark and Dove ships. 

"Wait there wasn't indoor plumbing on a ship in the 1600's???"

Printing press- making indentured servant contracts!

A colonial Inn- very little privacy!

Archaeologists sift through soil to find artifacts!

Ordinary- place to shop for goods from England!

The Catholic Chapel!