Monday, October 23, 2017

The Annual trip to St. Mary's City- Maryland's first capitol and colonial settlement!
We visited the original Native American village (The Yocomico) and learned how they helped the colonists survive. We saw a re-created English village and tobacco plantation. We learned about the printing press. We saw the re-built Catholic church that Father Andrew White established. We walked aboard a re-created ship that carried the colonists to America- the "Dove". It was a beautiful day and we had a wonderful time! We felt like we had walked through time! 
The first Catholic Church in Maryland!

Graves from the Calvert Family- the family who had the Maryland charter. 

We learned how the Native American people burned the logs to create a canoe. 

The Yocoomico home- the "witchott". 

Inside the witchott. 

The Yocomico grind corn to make bread. 

Summer and winter clothing for the Yocomico. 

The English tobacco plantation!

We learned where the colonists threw out their trash- which archaeologists use to learn about colonial life. 

We learned about cooking in a colonial home. 

We learned how the colonists planted tobacco- a raw material they sent back to England. 

We saw the "Hogshead" barrels used to store tobacco. 

We used a printing press from the 1600's! 

The English Ordinary- or shop. 

We learned how the English colonists counted money. 

The Colonial "Dove" the ship that carried colonists and cargo to the Maryland Colony. 

Pulling the 300 lbs anchor!

We discussed navigating in the Atlantic Ocean with Nautical Knots and a compass. 

What a great day!