Thursday, May 5, 2016

Field Trip to Annapolis and the Maritime Museum!
 Fourth and fifth graders took an amazing trip to our state capital- Annapolis! We started our day at the Annapolis Maritime Museum. This great museum is right on the water and an old oyster canning factory! The students got to learn about ecology. The weather was rainy, cold and wet- but it did not stop the amazing staff from planning great hands on activities! Students got to learn about the pollution in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, explore the museum artifacts on harvesting oysters from the bay, use giant oyster claws to grab oysters like fishermen used to, explore creatures from the bay (small fish, and eel, and crabs), and build a buoy! The second part of our trip was a ferry ride around the Naval Academy! It was a great day despite the rain- and the kids had a wonderful time!
Students learned where pollution comes from that ends up in the Chesapeake Bay. 

We learned about marine life in the bay. We talked about what we would find..

Small fish, oysters, shrimp, and crabs!

Check out the high tide!

We used this chart to  identify the different bay creatures!

Where does the pollution come from? How can we stop this ? 

We learned about oysters harvesting in the Chesapeake Bay- and how the oysters were collected from the bottom of the bay with giant claws!

We explored different marine life from the bay and compared the creatures. 

What  kind of creature is this????

That is a giant Oyster!

This tank was filled with fish from the bay!

This is what fishermen wear to catch oysters and crabs!

We built buoys! 

We worked in groups to come up with the buoy design! 

Will it float? 

Our Chilly ferry ride around the Naval Academy!

Naval Academy behind us.