Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Easter 2016!
Easter is an exciting time of year at our school! As students prepare for this day during Lent- we try to incorporate some fun activities in fourth grade. 
Fourth Graders created a clay tomb for Jesus- along with the Bible quote:
 "He is not here, HE has RISEN as He said"- Matthew 28:6. 
The students left the tomb empty- because Jesus has risen. 

Math Easter Egg Hunt ?????
We went on an unusual Easter egg hunt...instead of the eggs being fulled with candy- they were filled with challenging math problems! 
Students had to first find the eggs- and then answer the questions inside! They recorded their answers on a chart. When time was up- I calculated the answers. The students who answered the most questions correctly get a chocolate rabbit! Everyone got a treat for participating- and it was a great review!