Sunday, June 1, 2014

Maryland Day 2014!

The fourth graders celebrated our fine state by having an end of the year celebration. We celebrated all that makes Maryland great by creating MD themed crafts, playing games, and meeting great Maryland speakers. 
The Mayor of Rockville, Bridget Newton spoke to our students.  We were very excited to learn about her work in politics.  
A member of the MD Park Police, Mr. Garcia,  spoke to our students about law enforcement.  
The College Park Aviation Museum came and spoke to our students about famous Maryland aviators.  
We ended our day with a bowling tournament. What a great day! Thank you to all the parents, guest speakers,  and teachers who helped make this day so successful and fun! 

Black Eyed Susan Drawings. 
Maryland Aviators! 
Paper Plane Launcher
The Mayor of Rockville , Bridget Newton gave a great speech to our students! 
Park Police, Mr. Garcia, talked about law enforcement in Maryland. 
Singing Maryland, My Maryland!
Nautical Knots
St. Clements Cross, Stain Glass Activity
Mrs. Barish made a wonderful "Smith Island Cake"- the official cake of Maryland. 
St. Clements Cross
Amazing Crab cookies from Mrs. Junghans!