Monday, December 22, 2014

We traveled the world in one day!

The fourth graders learned about holidays around the world in December. We took "flights" to Great Britain,  Norway, Sweden, Germany,  Canada,  Australia,  India, Saudia Arabia,  China, Mexico, and the United States! At each country we stamped our "pass ports" and completed entries in our travel journal about the holidays celebrated in December in that country.

Christmas sing-a-long

Holidays around the world!

The fourth graders  learned about Hanukkah by reading about the holiday, and playing draydel!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Fourth graders practicing their recorders!
Next Tuesday we will have our school holiday concert. The fourth graders are anxious to play their recorders for the whole school!

Thanksgiving Acrostic Poem Turkeys! 
Students wrote acrostic poems about Thanksgiving. They then made turkeys to display their poems! 

Pilgrim Interviews!
Students learned about different Pilgrims who traveled to Plymouth on the Mayflower by reading their biographies. They then did "interviews" of these people by filling out a questionnaire. After students learned about their pilgrim, the interviewed different "pilgrims" in our class and continued to fill out their questionnaire. We learned about life in 1620,and the many challenges the pilgrims faced! 

My Classroom Bridal Shower!
Thank you to all the parents and students who planned the beautiful bridal shower for me! I was very surprised and flattered! I am so grateful to have such a sweet class. Adam and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts.