Monday, November 18, 2013

Fourth Grade Field Trip to St. Mary's City!
The fourth graders learned about the first English colonial establishment in Maryland. At. Historic St. Mary's City, students saw costumed interpreters recreate a 17th century setting. Students got to see the reconstructed Maryland State House, Smith's Ordinary, Godiah Spray Plantation, a working colonial farm, the Woodland Indian Hamlet, and the recreated Dove sailing ship.

The students learned many new things about colonial life in the 1600's. It was a great day!

This is the traditional colonial farm (The Godiah Spray Tobacco Plantation). 
Students learned about life on a colonial tobacco farm

Students learned about making medicine during the 1600's

We learned about the Yaocomaco Indians and how they helped the English settlers survive. 

The boys demonstrated how the Yaocomaco caught small and large fish. 

Students demonstrating the clothing worn by the Yaocomaco men and women. This is a traditional work station. 
The traditional Long House. English settlers spent their first year in Maryland living in these houses with the Yaocomaco people. 

We learned how archaeologists dig up artifacts from the 1600's in St. Mary's. 

The Catholic Chapel. We sang "Ave Maria"!

We leaned about reproducing documents and contracts in colonial Maryland. We leaned how a printing press works. One student made an indentured servant contract for our entire class!

Students demonstrated how people slept on a "tick" mattress at the inn at town square. 

Smith's Ordinary- A colonial shop used to trade tobacco for products from England. 

The Dove Sailing Vessel. This was used to bring supplies from England. 

Students demonstrated how sailors pulled up an anchor from the water. 

We learned about simple machines used on the "Dove".