Wednesday, February 20, 2019

We learned about the different types of clouds: Cirrus, Stratus, and Cumulus. Students created diagrams with cotton balls!

We learned about flood plains in Science and how major flooding from Hurricanes can damage homes. Students created "houses" out of manila folders!

International Day 2019! We had more countries represented then ever! It was a great turn out of amazing food and performances!

Christmas Show- We sang an Irish Christmas song!

We learned about Holiday's from around the world by taking a "trip" to different countries! 

We created a closed and  open circuit in Science with a simple switch!

Salt Dough Maps!
We learned about the different land forms in Maryland and the 3 land regions: Atlantic Coastal Plain, Piedmont Plateau, and the Appalachian! We made the maps out of salt dough and then painted the land forms.