Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Fourth graders made turkeys with Acrostic poems about the Thanksgiving Holiday! 
Happy Thanksgiving from the St. Jude fourth grade!

Monday, November 20, 2017

Egg Drop Science Lab!
In fourth grade science, we learned about collisions and potential/ kinetic energy.
We created a protective case for an egg with cardboard and packing materials. The egg was dropped off the school roof in the protective case. We discussed what caused some eggs to break vs. others to stay secure. It was very exciting to see which eggs survived! Great job fourth grade!

Service Project in fourth grade!
We collected items for the Washington County Military Support Group. The various items collected were toiletries, candy, snacks, and games. All these items will be placed in care packages (along with hand made Christmas Cards) for military members stationed all over the world. They will get the care packages in time for Christmas. We enjoyed helping out this worthy cause! Merry Christmas Troops- and God Bless America!

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Toy Car Lab!
We used toy cars and rubber bands to test energy. If the cars are pushed with more rubber bands- will they have more energy? 

All Saints Day! 
We celebrated the lives of the Saints by completing a research project on various saints. Students read chapter books on a saint of their choice. They wrote a speech about that saint and created a costume to look like the saint. We participated in the All Saints mass. After mass- we had a Wax Museum- each student presented their saint to the school and their families. We had great refreshments and the community was grateful to meet "real saints!" We hope these saints can continue to be a role model for the students faith.