Thursday, March 30, 2017

Field Trip to Baltimore. We went to the Maryland Science Center. 

After, we went toe the Baltimore Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. America's oldest cathedral. It was beautiful! 


Monday, March 13, 2017

Industrial Revolution Candy Train Factory!
We learned about the Industrial Revolution and mass production! During the last 1800’s– a variety of products were made in the USA through mass production. Factories used assembly lines to create many products at a fast rate. Factory workers worked on assembling different parts of products at various workstations. As parts were added– the product moved onto the next workstation until it was a completed product. This made it possible for companies to create more products at a faster rate– increasing profits.
We created our own assembly line– creating Candy Trains! Each student had to do a repetitive task on an assembly line to create a candy train. As they worked- they learned what it would have felt like to work in a factory during the Industrial Revolution!

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Irish Limerick Poems!

Maryland Topography Maps! 
Fourth graders created land form topography maps of Maryland with Salt Dough. They formed the 3 land regions and mountains. Next, we painted the three regions. Finally, they labeled the regions and cities. We learned so much about the geography of our state!

Snow Treasure Diorama Projects!
After reading "Snow Treasure" by Marie McSwigan- students re-created a scene from the story using a shoe box, cotton balls, tooth picks, and various small items they brought in from home.  Students wrote about the scene in the computer lab- and described the scene and characters. They explained why they chose this scene from the story and why they liked it. The diorama illustrated their scene. They turned out great!