Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!
Fourth Graders created Acrostic Poems about Thanksgiving. They wrote these poems onto paper bag turkeys we created. Happy Turkey Day!!

Care Packages for the Troops!
Our school collected various items (shampoo, deodorant, body wash, toothbrushes, and snacks) for the troops. The students also created Christmas cards for the troops. The South Washington Military Support Group will packages these items and cards and send them off to the troops stationed all over the world in time for Christmas. The kids were really excited to package the items, organize them, and load them up. They were moved to know that these packages would be very special to the troops at Christmas. Thank you SJRCS!!

All Saints Day!
Fourth Graders celebrated All Saints Day by researching various saints. Students read biographies on the saints, and created speeches on the Saint's life. They also created drawings of their saints. They dressed as the saint on All Saints Day, and participated in the Mass by carrying the gifts and doing the readings. Students had a "Wax Museum of the Saints" after the mass. They read their speeches, and talked to the school about their Saints. We had a celebration of snacks and pizza after the Wax Museum. It was a spiritual day and the students will keep that saint in their hearts forever! 

Happy Halloween!!