Thursday, October 27, 2016

Egg Drop Collision Lab!

In science, Fourth Graders designed a container for an egg that would be dropped from a ladder. They created their design from various packing materials; boxes, bubble wrap, plastic bags, and balloons.  Students watched as their egg was dropped- and anxiously opened it to see if the egg survived the drop without being cracked. Almost all of them survived! We have some future engineers in our class!
It Survived!


Balloons helped!

Another parachute with straws as an aid to help absorb the energy of the fall!


Gliding safely to the ground!

It worked!

Building our egg containers....

More tape and bubble wrap!

Monday, October 24, 2016

French and Indian War Projects!

Students read about the French and Indian War in the American Colonies. They watched a video about how it lead to the American Revolution. Students paired up to create posters that contained facts about the war and imagery. We presented our finding to the class. 

Fall Narrative Project
Fourth graders wrote creative essays about the fall using selected prompts. Each story is unique and fun to read! Come by and take a look!

60th Anniversary Door Decorating Contest!
Our amazing room parents decorated our classroom door to celebrate our school and parish being open for 60 years! Thank you for making our door "shine"!

Sarah Plain and Tall Collage Projects!
Students created a collage to represent the characters, various settings, and main events in "Sarah Plain and Tall" by Patricia McLaughlin. It was a great way to re-tel the story! 

Science Lab: Collision of Different Balls against a hard surface. 
How high will the different balls bounce? How is the energy transferred? What makes the balls bounce at different heights?

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Field Trip to St. Mary's City! 

The fourth graders went to Maryland's first capital (and Colonial settlement). We learned about the Yocomico Indians and how they helped the original English settlers in the 1600's. Students got to go back in time! 
We went inside a Native American Long House!

Inside the cozy Long House. 

We learned about fishing in the tribe. 

Displaying a small fishing pole. 

We learned how large fishing nets caught really large fish!

Modeling Native American Summer clothing. 

Modeling winter Native American clothing. 

Colonial Tobacco Plantation. 

We loved seeing the animals on the Plantation!

Going inside the colonial home. 

Looking at items inside the colonial home. 

Colonial Gardens grew plants that the colonists used for medicine and spices for their food. 

Cutting herbs in the colonial garden. 

We learned how the colonists shipped tobacco to England. 

The colonists used barrels to pack tobacco and rolled them to the ships. 

Tobacco drying out in the barn. 

We loved learning about life on a colonial farm!

We learned that both male and female cows have horns!

 The first Catholic Church in Maryland! Established by English Colonists Father Andrew White.
We learned how the printing press worked in the 1600's. 

The inn where colonists stayed while on their travels. Could you sleep here? 

The store where English Colonists bought items they needed : shoes, plates, glass, etc. 

The "Dove". The ship that brought cargo to the colonies. 

We learned about life on the ship. It was tough! 

We learned how the colonists lifted the anchor. 

Lifting the anchor!

The anchor was heavy! 

We learned about navigation on the ocean. 

We learned about pulley's on ships for heavy cargo. 

We love St. Mary's City! Great trip!