Monday, September 28, 2015

Mr. Benjamin is all tied up!!

Mr. Benjamin  rewarded the St. Jude students for reading over 150,000 minutes  this summer as a school. Each student  got to tape Mr. Benjamin  to the wall!

Reading Irish folk tales for our international day project!

After students read selected  Irish folk tales in small groups, they created comic strips!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

The Pope Came to St. Jude! 
Fourth graders celebrated the arrival of Pope Francis to the Washington DC by having a parade around our school. A Pre-K student dressed as Pope Francis and paraded around in a white "pope mobile" escorted by 8th grade "bishops". A secret service agent patrolled the area to make sure it was safe! We cheered him on! It was a great day filled with spirit and joy! 

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Weathering and erosion lab!

Science Lab: Weathering and Erosion.

Fourth graders have been  learning  about the effects  of  weathering and erosion on different land forms and along rivers/ oceans. 
We built a shore, mountain, and river valley from wet sand. Students simulated  erosion in different  stations. It was very messy and very fun!

River Valley erosion
Chemical Erosion: Students tested vinegar on limestone and nails. They demonstrated physical erosion with sand paper and chalk.  
Mountain Erosion: Students used a spray bottle on a mountain of sand.
Wind Erosion: Students used straws and dry sand to show wind erosion. 
Lab reports.
Wave erosion: students created waves with plastic cards against wet sand to show weathering on a beach. 

Sunday, September 13, 2015


We played  the  interactive  game "Kahoot" with ipads. The kids used the game to review  for their social  studies test in a game show style. So fun!

Friday, September 4, 2015

Pope Francis Time Lines!
Students read about the life of Pope Francis. We created time lines of important events in his life.Students also created drawings of the Pope. They look great!
Nos encanta el Papa!!
(We love the Pope!!)

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Fourth Graders are starting off the year learning about state land marks! We identified land forms, rivers, lakes, cities, counties, and neighboring states. The students worked in pairs to identify the different Maryland landmarks.