Wednesday, October 15, 2014

What an amazing day! My co - workers threw me a surprise shower! I am so lucky to work with such sweet people! !

We learned about fire safety and Fire prevention. The Kensington fire department visited the lower school yesterday! 

Field Trip to St. Mary's City!
Fourth graders went on a trip to the first colonial establishment in Maryland- St. Mary's. We learned how the the English colonists survived during their first years in Maryland. We saw a tobacco plantation, a re-created version of the Dove ( the ship that carried the English to Maryland), a re-made colonial village, a general store, the first Catholic church in Maryland, an archaeological dig, and a Woodland Indian village! We had beautiful weather and the kids had a great time!

The re-make of the "Dove". The cargo ship that carried passengers from England to Maryland. 

We learned how the sailors pulled up an anchor!

A printing press from the 1600's. 

The Inn. 

How people slept at the Inn. 

The seal of Lord Baltimore- the proprietor of Maryland.

The general store. We learned how people paid for items during the 1600's in Maryland. 

The first Catholic Church in Maryland- started by Father Andrew White. 

The tobacco plantation. 

Chickens on the plantation. 

Typical colonial home. 

Woodland Indian work hut. 

How woodland Indians caught big fish.