Friday, February 21, 2014

The Fourth Graders read over 100 books as of February 7th! Students read various books individually during their free time. When they finished the book- they completed a "book leaf". The leaf had to contain the title, author, and a short summary of the book. Parents had to sign the leaf after they read the book. When students completed a book leaf- they turned it in to add to our classroom reading tree. They also received bull dog bucks for completing a reading leaf. 

 I promised the class that we could have a pizza party if they read over 100 books. I am very proud of our little readers. Mr. Benjamin promised that we could have a cupcake and pizza party if they read another 100 books before the end of the school year. Keep reading fourth graders!!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Happy Chinese New Year!

Students in fourth grade learned about Chinese New Year. We completed various readings on the traditions, food, and celebrations. Students created traditional New Year dragons! They did a great job!

Macaroni Love “Quotations”

In honor of Valentine’s Day, students wrote “quotations about love” from different Saints in cursive handwriting. After learning about “quotation” marks, they used macaroni noodles to quote the Saint they picked.